Department: BSc in Business Management & BSc in Accounting and Finance
Module Description: The aim of this module is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide financial information for the purpose of decision-making. This financial information is provided to external decision-makers primarily by means of general-purpose statements of operating results, financial position, and cash flow. The module covers the different valuation techniques pertaining to credit risk assessment and cash flow analysis as well. It also develops students’ ability to prepare different reports for tax and other regulatory compliance-related purposes as well as for the owners of the business i.e., the equity shareholders, lenders, equity analysts and investment bankers.
Revsine, L., Collins, D. W. and Johnson, W. B. (2021). Financial reporting and analysis. 8th edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Purchase eBook
Gibson, C. H. (2013). Financial reporting & analysis: using financial accounting information. 13th edn. Mason, Ohio: South-Western
Wahlen, J. M., Baginski, S. P. and Bradshaw, M. T. (2018). Financial reporting, financial statement analysis, and valuation: a strategic perspective. 9th edn. Boston, MA: Cengage.