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FRM 505 Financial Markets and Institutions: Reading list

FRM 505 Financial Markets and Institutions

Department: MSc Finance & Risk Management

Module Description: To provide a clear understanding of the operations of major financial markets such as bond, stock and foreign exchange markets. It also provides a clear understanding of bank management, risk management in financial institutions and their role in sustainable development. Moreover, it digs deeply into the behavior of interest rates and risk and term structures of interest rates. Further, it gives a clear understanding of the characteristics of mutual and hedge funds.

Module texts

Recommended readings

  • Fisher, P. G. (eds.). (2021). Making the Financial System Sustainable. Cambridge University Press.

  • Saunders, A. (2024). Financial Markets and Institutions. 9th ed. McGraw-Hill

  • Saunders, A. and Cornett, M. (2020). Financial institutions management: a risk management approach. 10th edn.  Boston: McGraw-Hill. 9th edition available

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