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MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics : Reading list

MENG 211 Engineering Mechanics

Department: BSc in Electro-Mechanical Engineering

Module Description: Convey the fundamental role of mechanics in engineering. Introduce the concepts of statics mechanics of the force systems in 2 and 3 dimensions with the equilibrium and free body diagrams. Introduce the concept of kinematics to describe the motion of particles and bodies in two dimensions.

Module texts

  • Meriam, J. L., Kraige, K. G. and Bolton, J. N. (2019). Engineering mechanics: volume 1: statics. 9th edn. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Purchase eBook

  • Hibbeler, R. C. (2022). Engineering mechanics: statics and dynamics. 15th edn. Pearson Education. Purchase eBook

Recommended readings

  • Meriam, J. L., Kraige, K. G. and Bolton, J. N. (2020). Engineering mechanics: volume 2: dynamics. 9th edn. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

  • Prentis, J. M. (1986). Dynamics of mechanical systems. 2nd edn. Chichester, Eng.: Ellis Horwood.

  • Prentis, J. M. (1979). Engineering mechanics. Oxford England: Clarendon Press.

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