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MGT 522 Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Reading list

MGT 522 Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Department: Master of Business Administration

Module Description: This module defines the components in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the relevant dependencies and areas of overlap. The combined strategic approach in socio-environmental analysis from the economic perspective will define a baseline.  The module introduces the fundamental principles guiding sustainable development best practices ant the global level and its operational examples. The module will focus on the three thematic areas of Triple Bottom Line (TBL), namely people, planet and profits. The socio-developmental aspect will map the cultural change in society over the last decade and hw the international community has responded with shifts in policy and culture, as well as practices. The environmental approach will utilize the carbon (or environmental) footprint as the core competency to assess different applications of environmental policy in reference to project and program environments. The economic dimension will consolidate the socio-environmental practices in different economic models to demonstrate the value proposition of engaging in long term CSR strategies within corporate environment.

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