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PPM 504 Project Management Research Methods: Reading list

PPM 504 Project Management Research Methods

Department: Portfolio of Master Programmes in Project Management 

Module Description: Develop students' ability to conduct a research assignment related to project management and to prepare students to carry out the dissertation component of the programme successfully. A particular emphasis is placed on projects/organisations and their applicability to different environments and situations. The initial stages of the module will consider key issues relating to research methods in general, including ethics, and how to design a research proposal and carry out research assignment. The module will then consider qualitative research techniques including data collection, data transcription, and analysis. Consideration will then be given to quantitative research techniques such as surveys and analysing data with PASW. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research approaches such as Action research, Ethnographic research, Case studies, and Modelling/Simulation will also be dealt with. The module will conclude with a discussion of the content of the module in relation to student research-based assignments.

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