Department: MSc Building Services Engineering
Module Description: HVAC System: Acquire a deep understanding of concepts of HVAC systems and its interaction with other operational building activities. Covers the principles of psychometrics and the various maintenance strategies, requirements and models including preventive and corrective maintenance. Emphasis is placed on the properties of humid air, thermal comfort, inside and outside design conditions. HVAC Systems design includes air and water, all water systems and unitary equipment.
Drainage sanitation and waste disposal. This element considers the design and selection of air and water distribution systems within buildings. It includes: The heating processes, Cold water demand and supply, hot water services, pipe sizing and pump selection, system testing and balancing, Duct design considerations - low and high velocity systems, fan characteristics and selection, system testing and balancing.
CIBSE Guides on the topic.
Sugarman, S. C. (2016). HVAC fundamentals. 3rd edn. Fairmont Press.