Department: PhD Business Management
Module Description: The purpose of this module is to provide a solid understanding of theories and debates in global management relevant to doctoral thesis research. This will involve consideration of the challenges of globalisation and varieties of capitalism, and will attend to identifying differences between countries in government regulation, societal and industry contexts, organisational cultures and management practices. Special consideration will be given to alternative ways of theorising globalisation, internationalisation, product innovation, service innovation and business viability. The second half of the module will concentrate on class presentation and peer evaluation of individual proposed research designs in thesis topic areas incorporating relevant aspects of: 1. globalisation, 2. management and 3. innovation.
Harzing, A. (2019). International human resource management. 5th edn. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Peng, M. and Meyer K. (2019). International business. 3rd edn. Andover: Cengage Learning.
*Please note that this module is delivered primarily through refereed journal articles and text book is not used or specifically referred to in lectures. It is recommended for introductory and background reading only.
***Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2019). Business research methods. 5th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
**This text book is highly recommended for all doctoral students and it can be used in other modules too, as well as when you are writing your final thesis.
***Good second alternative general research methods text book.