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PPM 501 People and Organisations: Reading list

PPM 501 People and Organisations

Department: Portfolio of Master Programmes in Project Management 

Module Description: By the end of this unit, students should be able:

To trace and discuss a wide range of theories (from classical to more contemporary postmodern perspectives) in the study of organization and human relations relevant to the management of projects; To critically reflect and review on a range of theoretical perspectives that can be used to problematise people and/or organizational in the management of projects, and; To apply a range of theoretical perspectives to appropriate and evaluate possible interventions in tackling everyday people and/or organizational problems in project environments.

Recommended readings

  • Baiden, B. and Price, A. (2010). The effect of integration on project delivery team effectiveness. International Journal of Project Management, vol. 28(2), pp. 158-165. Request item

  • Dwivedulaa, R., Christophe N. and Bredillet, C. (2010). Profiling work motivation of project workers. International Journal of Project Management, vol. 29(2), pp. 129-136. Request item

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