Department: MSc in Sustainable Design and Built Environment
Module Description: This module emphasizes the need for a symbiotic and functional relationship in which ecology, culture and technology evolve and adapt. The module introduces the fundamental principles guiding sustainable development of the built environment including; avoidance or minimization of negative impacts on the environment; conservation and efficient use of natural resources; preservation of cultural patterns; and ecological harmony and respect for biodiversity. The concept of sustainable development is discussed within the limitations imposed by the present state of technology and social organization on environmental resources and by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activity. The module introduces tools for measuring and evaluating the impact of urban development on the environmental as well as the social, economic well-being of the urban system. It also discusses relevant issues relating to contractual procedures and construction law.
Condon, P. (2020). Five rules for tomorrow’s cities: design in an age of urban migration, demographic change, and a disappearing middle class. London: Island Press.
Walker, S. (2006). Sustainable by design: explorations in theory and practice. London: Earthscan.