The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework within which the University’s institutional research repository is managed, in order to ensure that the archive reflects and strengthens the University’s long-established tradition of research excellence.
Electronic Theses (eTheses): Electronic versions of theses produced towards doctoral or research Master’s degrees.
Metadata: Structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage an information resource.
Pre-print: The version of a paper or other proposed academic publication prior to peer-review.
Post-print: The finalized version of a paper or other proposed academic publication, accepted for, but prior to, publication.
Content and Collection Policies
BSpace is the online institutional repository of the British University in Dubai. BSpace will contain dissertations, theses, research projects, faculty publications and archives of BUiD in a digital format.
- Items stored in the BSpace will be organized according to the content type and may include the following (not exclusively):
- Student theses, dissertations and research projects
- Faculty publications that includes journal articles, conference and workshop papers, book chapters, unpublished works and working papers
- University archives
- Deposited items in BSpace may include:
- Unpublished pre-prints (not-peer reviewed)
- Final peer-reviewed drafts (post-prints)
- published versions (publisher-created files)
- The author/owner must be willing and able to grant the University Library the right to preserve and distribute the work via BSpace which is the Institutional Repository of BUiD.
- Where permission to provide the final version of published material is not available, the final pre-publication version will be added to the Repository, if permitted by the publisher and available from the author.
Submission policy
- Items in BSpace may only be deposited by the faculty, students and administration staff of BUiD
- Authors may only submit their own work for archiving.
- The administrator only vets items for the eligibility of authors/depositors, relevance to the scope of the repository, and the exclusion of spam.
- Textual files are automatically converted to PDF format during the upload process.
- The deposit of items in formats other than PDF will be accepted as agreed by the Repository Administrator.
- The depositor can opt to delay/or not publish the full text of the work. In those cases, the repository provides only abstracts of the work.
- The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor.
- Any copyright violations contained within items are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors.
- If the University receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately.
Metadata policy
- Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.
- The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes:
- the link to the original metadata record is given, and
- BSpace is mentioned
- The metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.
Data policy
- Anyone may access full items free of charge although access to some of the items full-text is may be available only to current faculty, staff and students.
- Copies of full items generally can be reproduced, and displayed or performed for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge provided:
- the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given
- a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page
- the content is not changed in any way
- Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.
- This repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive.
Preservation policy
- Items will be retained indefinitely.
- BUiD’s Institutional Repository will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility.
- Items may be migrated to new file formats where necessary.
- Items may not normally be removed from CU Scholar. Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include:
- Journal publishers' rules
- Proven copyright violation or plagiarism
- Legal requirements and proven violations
- National Security
- Falsified research
- Items are not deleted but are removed from public view. Metadata associated with withdrawn items may be retained indefinitely.
- Items will be deleted from the Repository if there is a legal requirement to do so, or if it is deemed by the University to be in its best interests. Deletion of items will mean removal of the item itself, plus any metadata. In this instance there will be no "tombstone" marker.
- If necessary, an updated version may be deposited.
Acknowledgement: This policy page was set up using the OpenDOAR Policy Tools.