Department: BSc Business Management
Module Description: Excellence in a business context is a combination of internal excellence in how things are done (enablers) leading to outstanding business performance (results). Excellence is recognised worldwide through awards such as the European Quality Award, the Baldrige Award and the Deming Award as well as national awards that are based on these. This module introduces the fundamental concepts that underpin non-prescriptive approaches to creating sustainable excellence in an engineering business.
Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B. (2022). Quality management for organizational excellence: introduction to total. Pearson. 8th edition available
Patel, S. (2016). Business excellence: exceeding your customers' expectations each time, all the time. CRC Press.
The EFQM Model 2020. Brussels, EFQM
George, S. and Weimerskirch, A. (1998). Total quality management: strategies and techniques proven at today's most successful companies. 2nd edn. New York: John Wiley.
Deming, W. E., Cahill, K. E. and Allan, K. L. (2018). Out of the crisis. Cambridge: MIT Press.