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CS 113 Programming I: Reading list

CS 113 Programming I

Department: BSc Computer Science

Module Description: The course teaches the basics of programming. Students will learn about fundamental programming concepts such as control conditions, loops, and recursion. Fundamental data structures will also be studied such as Arrays and Strings. The course has extensive lab sessions to ensure students get hand-on experience of the taught material.

Module texts

  • Liang, Y. (2021). Introduction to Java programming and data structures. 12th ed. Pearson.

Recommended readings

  • Deitel, H. & Deitel, P. (2020). Java how to program. 11th ed. Prentice Hall.

  • Savitch, W. & Carrano, F. (2017). Java: introduction to problem solving and programming. 8th ed. Prentice Hall.

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