Department: BSc Computer Science
Module Description: Principles of Software Engineering; Software Engineering; Software Products,– a broad overview of the notations, techniques, methods and tools that can be used to support the various software/requirements engineering activities; Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML and UP - knowledge of the principles of object orientation and extensive practice in the application of these principles using the Unified Process (UP) and Unified Modelling Language (UML); Introduction to UML Principles and the Unified Process (UP); UML Requirements Model - Use Case Modelling; UML Analysis – Analysis Model; UML Design Modelling - Class Diagram Model; Special Software Engineering Topics: Agile Software Engineering; Security and Privacy; DevOps and Code Management: DevSecOps – SecDevOps – DevOpsSec – Explained
Sommerville, I. (2016). Software engineering. 10th edn. Addison-Wesley.
Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge SWEBOK V3.0. (2014). Available online, IEEE computer Society©