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CSAI 400 Artificial Intelligence Capstone Project: Reading list

CSAI 400 Capstone Senior Design Project

Department: BSc Computer Science

Module Description: This module is a culminating course for students majoring in Computer Science with a focus on Artificial Intelligence. This course is designed to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the AI curriculum, allowing students to work on a real-world project that demonstrates their mastery of AI concepts, techniques, and technologies. In this project-based course, students will identify, design, and implement AI-driven solutions to complex problems that the industry faces. The course will emphasize critical thinking, collaboration, and effective communication while fostering a deeper understanding of AI technologies’ ethical and societal implications. The project is conducted by students under the supervision of a faculty member from the department. The project specification is usually provided by the faculty member, but students are also free to specify their own project. All project specifications must be approved by the module coordinator..

Module texts

  • Dawson, C. W. (2015). Projects in computing and information systems: a student's guide. 3rd edn. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Purchase eBook

  • Andersen, E. S., Grude, K. V. and Haug, T. (2009). Goal directed project management: effective techniques and strategies. 4th edn. London: Kogan Page. Access 3rd editon 

  • Hague, P., & Roberts, K. (1994). Presentations and report writing. Kogan Page.

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