Department: BSc Computer Science
Module Description: This course provides a comprehensive exploration of computer network and data security, focusing on the perspectives of a system administrator and a penetration tester. It covers topics related to computer network security, practical cryptography, and operating systems security. Students will gain knowledge and skills in areas such as malicious software, denial of service attacks, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, access control, and security assessment. The course aims to develop students' understanding of key concepts, challenges, and research directions in information security, with an emphasis on making future security systems safe, predictable, and resilient.
Stalling, W.& Brown, L. (2020). Computer security: principle and practice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Kizza, M., J. (2015). Guide to computer network security. Springer.
Salomon, D., (2019). Elements of computer security. Springer.
Bishop, Matt (2019). Introduction to Computer Security.
Gofman, M., & Mitra, S. (eds.). (2020). Biometrics in a data driven world: trends, technologies, and challenges. CRC Press.
Bishop, M., Sullivan, E., & Ruppel, M. (2019). Computer security: art and science. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley.