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DED 626 Reading STEM/STEAM Education: Reading list

DED 626 Reading STEM/STEAM Education

Department: Doctor of Education/ Doctor of Philosophy in Education 

Module Description: This module is planned to provide readings and discourse of STEM and STEAM education research and its interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary connections. STEM/STEAM education is becoming a major catalyst of educational reform and development internationally and in the United Arab Emirates. Therefore, this module provides a broader discourse of research readings in different topics/issues of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics fields. The module examines the parallel but separate development of these subjects/fields, their differences, their connectedness, and connection to education, policy and strategic planning, curricular implications and especially to K-16 student learning. Finally, each student will be catered to to develop their research topic of interest within the module concentration. 

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