Department: Master of Education
Module Description: The UAE is taking a leading role in the Gulf to develop the educational services offered to learners with special needs and disabilities in general and LD in particular in the regular classroom. This module provides an overview of the education of learners with learning difficulties (moderate, severe, profound and multiple). It looks at curriculum and development, interdisciplinary work, differentiation of lessons, classroom management strategies and writing individual education plans. The module provides students with knowledge about challenges facing decision makers to decide on important matters like provision of placement in the regular school, and production and evaluation of individualized educational programs in regular class settings in a country where academic excellence is very important. This module on Learning Difficulties (LD) is essential for students who wish to study the education of learners with special needs and disabilities as part of their MEd.
Farrell, M. (2011). The effective teacher's guide to moderate, severe and profound learning difficulties: practical strategies. 2nd edn. London: Routledge.
Prior, M. (2022). Understanding specific learning difficulties. Chicago: Psychology Press.
Rose, R., Fergusson, A., Coles, C., Byers, R. & Baines, D. (1996). Implementing the whole curriculum for learners with learning difficulties. London: David Fulton.
Babbage, R., Byers, R. & Redding, H. (1999). Approaches to teaching and learning: including pupils with learning difficulties. London: David Fulton.
Castle, F., Tod, J. & Blamires, M. (1998). Implementing effective practice. London: David Fulton.
Collis, M. & Lacey, P. (1996). Interactive approaches to teaching. London: David Fulton.
Corbett, J. (1996). Bad mouthing: the language of special needs. Bristol: Falmer Press.
Gipps, C. (2012). Beyond testing: towards a theory of educational assessment. London: Routledge.
Griffiths, M. & Tennyson, C. (1997). The extended curriculum. London: David Fulton. Open resource
Harris, J., Cook, C. & Upton, G. (1996). Pupils with severe learning difficulties who present challenging behaviour. Kidderminster: BILD Publication.
Hewett, D. (1998a). Challenging behaviour: principles and practice. London: David Fulton.
Oliver, S. & Austen, L. (2007). Special education needs and the law. 2nd edn. London: Jordans.
McBrien, J., Farrell, P. & Foxen, T. (1992). EDY trainee workbook. 2nd edn. Manchester: Manchester University Press.