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EENG 443 Digital Signal Processing : Reading list

EENG 443 Digital Signal Processing

Department: BSc Electro-Mechanical Engineering

Module Description: To introduce students to the fundamentals of signal processing and provide illustrations of practical applications. On successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated the ability to explain the sampling theorem and appreciate the implications of aliasing distortion. Use the DFT and its fast implementation in the form of the FFT for spectral analysis.  

Module texts

  • Lyons, R. G. (2010). Understanding digital signal processing. 3rd edn. Prentice Hall. Purchase eBook

  • ElAli, T. (2023). Discrete systems and digital signal processing with MATLAB. CRC Press.

Recommended readings

  • Serpedin, E., Chen, T. M. and Rajan, D. (2012). Mathematical foundations for signal processing, communications, and networking. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

  • Welch, T. B., Wright, C. H. G. and Morrow, M. G. (2020). Real-time digital signal processing from MATLAB to C with the TMS320C6x DSPs. CRC Press.

  • Porat, B. (1997). A course in digital signal processing. New York: John Wiley.

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