Department: BSc Accounting and Finance
Module Description: The aim of the module is to develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of financial statement analysis techniques and the valuation of firms using financial statement data. The module covers the basic equity valuation techniques, various financial statement analysis techniques, relationship between equity risk and the cost of capital in a financial statement analysis context and the relationships between forecasting, accounting quality and the valuation of the firm. The module also develops students’ analytical ability to rank business entities and to analyse for causes and effects of the available information for conversion of data into information.
Robinson, T. R., Henry, E. and Broihahn, M. A. (2020). International financial statement analysis workbook. 4th edn. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Alexander, D. and Archer, S. (2008). International accounting/financial reporting standards guide 2009. Chicago: CCH.
Hanke, J. E. and Wichern, D. W. (2009). Business forecasting. 9th edn. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.