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ID 502 Sustainable Materials for Interior Environment : Reading list

ID 502 Sustainable Materials for Interior Environment

Department: MSc in Sustainable Design and Built Environment

Module Description: Students will learn the role of indoor materials in achieving a sustainable and comfortable indoor environment. Students will explore different options to optimise of the the materials that has less impacts on the indoor environment and achieving high durability. Students will learn how indoor materials affect human comfort and will gain skill in using BIM and LCA to evaluate alternatives. Students will study various sustainable materials including fabrics, finishes and multi-functional materials. By the end of this module, students will have a through experience in selecting the best materials choice in interior design projects and be able to use various methods to assess how materials play role on indoor thermal performance. Students will link their materials choices by consulting the literature review and previous researches and studies within the fields.

Module texts

  • Binggeli, C. (2008). Materials for interior environments. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. 1st edition available

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