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IEG 221 Systematic Innovation: Reading list

IEG 221 Systematic Innovation

Department: BSc Industrial Engineering
Module Description: With globalization, survival depends on the ability of the organization to reduce the product development cycle time and offer innovative products to meet ever changing needs of the users. If innovation is to be a part of the product development process, the team members must be familiar with methods Niche will enhance directed creativity. TRIZ (Theory of Invention Problem Solving) offers the most powerful tools to resolve conflicts in design and to use resources, to minimize harmful effects and to move towards ideal final result. TRIZ, based on the knowledge of a vast number of patents, can help predict various trends which can be used to develop strategies to meet the challenges of change.

Module text(s)

  • Gadd, K. (2013). Triz for engineers : enabling inventive problem solving. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Recommended readings

  • Takahashi, M. and Hong Kong Productivity Council. (1999). From idea to product : thee integrated design process. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Producitivity Council.
  • Altshuller, G. And et al. (2005). 40 principles: TRIZ keys to innovation. Technical Innovation Center.
  • Alʹtshuller, G. S., Shulyak, L. and Rodman, S. (2007). The innovation algorithm : TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creativity. 2nd edn. Worcester, MA: Technical Innovation Center.
  • Buzan, T., Buzan, B. and Harrison, J. (2010). The mind map book : unlock your creativity, boost your memory, change your life. New York, NY: Pearson BBC Active.
  • De Bono, E. (2010). Lateral thinking. London: Viking.

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