Department: Bachelor of Law
Module Description: This module illustrates the several types of commercial companies, their establishments, characteristics, liability of partners/shareholders, governance and financing. It will cover several topics, such as types of commercial companies; legal nature of companies; joint liability company (partnership) & simple commandite company; limited liability company & one person; public & private joint stock companies; rights of shareholders and the protection of minority shareholders; board of directors & directors’ duties; corporate finance and governance; reconstruction, merger & takeover; distributions and capital maintenance; insolvency and bankruptcy, and the impact of Company and Bankruptcy laws on entrepreneurship and innovation. It is intended to explain and discuss the relevant main topics under both English law and UAE law.
The module coordinator will provide students with mandatory texts on UAE Law, prepared purposefully for this particular module.
Paul Davis & Sarah Worthington, Gower: Principles of Modern Company Law, (11th ed., Sweet & Maxwell, 2021) Purchase eBook
Mallin, Corporate Governance (5th ed., Oxford UP, 2015)
D French, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law, (38th ed., Oxford UP, 2023)
S Worthington, Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, and Materials in Company Law (12th ed., Oxford UP, 2022)