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LAW 325 Right in Rem: Reading list

LAW 325 Right in Rem

Department: Bachelor of Law

Module Description: This module covers the theory of the right in rem; means of acquiring property; transfer of property; collateral rights accruing from ownership; concurrent interests and co-ownership; easement; mortgage; priority rights; restrictions on the ownership right; pre-emption right; methods of acquiring right in rem, and ownership’s adjacent rights. It is intended to deliver this module under both English law and UAE law.

Module texts

The module coordinator will provide students with mandatory texts on UAE Law prepared purposefully for this particular module.

Recommended readings

  • J-A. MacKenzie & M. Phillips, Textbook on Land Law (19th ed Oxford UP, 2023)

  • Bogusz and Sexton, Land Law: Text Cases and Materials (OUP, 2015)

  • E. Cooke, Land Law, (3rd ed Clarendon: OUP, 2020)

  • S. Gardner, An Introduction to Land Law, (4th ed Hart Publishing, 2015)

  • R. Smith, Introduction to Land Law, (3rd ed Longman, 2013)

  • S. Clarke & S. Greer, Land Law: Directions, (8th ed OUP, 2022)

  • J. Stevens & R. Pearce, Land Law, (5th ed Sweet & Maxwell, 2013)

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