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LAW 330 Private International Law: Reading list

LAW 330 Private International Law

Department: Bachelor of Law

Module Description: This module aims to introduce students to private international law and familiarise them with the current theories of private international law and conflict of laws. Topics covered include the nature and scope of private international law, applicable law, jurisdictions over persons and things and in disputes relating to domestic relations, taking of evidence abroad, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards.

Module texts

The module coordinator will provide students with mandatory texts on UAE Law, prepared purposefully for this particular module.

Recommended readings

  • Richard Garnett, Substance and Procedure in Private International Law (Oxford University Press, 2012)

  • Peter Hay, Patrick Borchers, et al. (eds), Conflict of Laws, Private International Law, Cases and Materials 16th ed. (Foundation Press, 2021)

  • Peter Hay, Advanced Introduction to Private International Law and Procedure (2nd edn Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023)

  • Andrew Bell, Forum Shopping and Venue in Transnational Litigation (Oxford University Press, 2003)

  • James Gordley & Arthur Taylor von Mehren, An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Private Law: Readings, Cases, Materials (2nd edn Cambridge University Press, 2021)

  • Geert van Calster, European Private International Law (4th edn Hart Publishing, 2024)

  • Horatia M. Watt, Lucia Bizikovia, et al (eds), Global Private International Law: Adjudication without Frontiers (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)
  • Roxana Banu, Nineteenth Century Perspectives on Private International Law (Oxford University Press, 2018) Purchase eBook

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