Department: Bachelor of Law
Module Description: This module covers legal aspects of consumer’s transactions such as duties of suppliers, rights of consumers and monopoly. It illustrates how consumers can be protected in the era of modern technology. It discusses consumer protection in particular sales such as online and doorstep sales. The module deals also with misleading advertising and its legal consequences. The liabilities and dispute resolutions are also discussed at the end of this module. The module covers topics including principles of consumer protection; anti-monopoly rules; supplier’s obligations; online/ distance sales and consumer protection; advertisements and consumer protection, and dispute resolutions & penalties. It is intended to explain and discuss the relevant main topics under both English law and UAE law.
The module coordinator will provide students with mandatory texts on UAE Law prepared purposefully for this particular module.
Iain Ramsay, Consumer Law and Policy: Text and Materials on Regulating Consumer Markets, (3rd ed., Hart Publishing 2012)
David Bryan, The Rights of The Consumer, (Straightforward Publishing, 2019)
Lorraine Conway, The UK House of Commons Briefing Paper Number CBP5632, 25 March 2019, on the doorstep selling.
David Marsh, Guide to Consumer Law, (Easyway, 2020)
Denis Barry, Edward Jenkins Qc, Charlene Sumnall, Ben Douglasjones, Daniel Lloyd, Blackstone's Guide to the Consumer Rights Act 2015, (Oxford UP, 2016)