Department: Bachelor of Law
Module Description: This module covers types of insurance and its significance, the rights of the insurer and insured person; the risk; the duty of disclosure, premium payment, the duty of utmost good faith; the scope of coverage; third party’s rights; interpretation and the unfair contract terms; subrogation, and termination of insurance contract. It is intended to explain and discuss the relevant main topics under both English law and UAE law.
The module coordinator will provide students with mandatory texts on UAE Law prepared purposefully for this particular module.
Birds, J., Lynch, B. & Milnes, S., MacGillivray on Insurance Law: relating to all risks other than marine, (15th ed. Sweet & Maxwell 2022).
Robert Merkin, Colinvaux's Law of Insurance, (13th ed., Sweet and Maxwell 2023).
Peter Tyldsley, Consumer Insurance Law: Disclosure, Representations and Basis of the Contract Clauses, ( Bloomsbury 2013).