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LAW 432 Emerging Crimes: Reading list

LAW 432 Emerging Crimes

Department: Bachelor of Law

Module Description: This Module aims to identify the legal dangers associated with the use of the web, it sheds light on the nature of cybercrimes, the differences between them and conventional crimes, and also explains the forms and types of electronic crimes and the characteristics of the criminal in such crimes, it also explains the legal procedures to follow in case of exposure to such crimes, and stresses the correct behaviors in dealing with the Internet. The module will cover several topics, such as unauthorized access to a website & disabling a website; forging an electronic document; fundraising without a license, illegal trade of monuments, antiques, weapons & trafficking in human beings; insulting, or attacking the privacy of, others; breaching public morals; provoking sedition, hatred or racism; terrorism and technology; damaging the reputation of the state, and violation of holy sites and religious rituals. The Module deals with these issues under UAE law and English law.

Module texts

The module coordinator will provide students with mandatory texts on UAE Law, prepared purposefully for this particular module.

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