Department: PhD in Business Law & Master of Construction Law and Dispute Resolutions
Module Description: This module aims at providing a thorough and advanced knowledge of the basic methods of doing business abroad: the sales of goods (export) transactions, licensing and franchising, international joint ventures and varying types of payment options. The aim of the module is to develop and advance the students’ understanding of key aspects of commercial law, including how cross-border sales contract are created, what rights the parties enjoy and what kind of liabilities such contracts may give rise to domestically as well as under international law. The module will critically consider current issues in the law and practice of international business. This includes the shortcomings in regulation of international trade finance, international marketing operations, countertrade, mergers and acquisitions. Topics to be covered include: Sources of international commercial sales: English law and SOGA 1979, Incoterms, CIF and FOB contracts, 1980 Vienna Convention on International sale of goods, creation of the contract: incorporation of standard terms and transport obligations, transfer of risk and property, international joint ventures, internal and external relationship, commercial agency, assignment, international franchising and agencies abroad, regulation of international trade finance, international marketing operations; counter-trade; mergers and acquisitions.
Larry A. DiMatteo, International Business Law and the Legal Environment: A Transactional Approach (4th edn, Taylor & Francis, 2021)
Richard Schaffer, Filiberto Agusti & Beverley Earle, International Business Law and Its Environment (10th edn. South-Western Cengage Learning, 2017)
N O Akseli, International Secured Transactions Law: Facilitation of credit and international conventions and instruments (Routledge, 2011)
R Wandhofer, Transaction Banking and the Impact of Regulatory Change: Basel III and Other Challenges for the Global Economy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
J H Barton et al, The Evolution of the Trade Regime: Politics, Law, and Economics of the GATT and the WTO (Princeton University Press, 2010)
Ingeborg Schwenzer (ed), 35 Years CISG and Beyond (Eleven International Publishing, 2016)
Larry A. DiMatte, The Law of International Business Transactions (South-Western, 2002)
Expropriation in Investment Treaty Arbitration by Johanne M. Cox is now available.
For further readings on the topic visit The Oxford Legal Research Library (OLRL)