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MGT 510 Organisational Change: Reading list

MGT 510 Organisational Change

Department: Master of Business Administration

Module Description: The purpose of this module is to provide a solid understanding of how theories of organisational change and management impacts on HRM in the UAE. This will involve initial consideration of key theories relating to organisational change and how these theories can be applied. Consideration will then be given specific areas of relevance including leadership, organisational culture, power, politics and emotional intelligence. The final part of the module will consider the role of consultants and managers as change agents and the ethics of change management.

The module is concerned with the development of skills in organisational change and organisational development, and specifically seeks to develop and improve a range of definable skills that are pivotal to successful management practice and to effective leadership. These include thinking and decision-making skills, the management of financial information, managing budgets, a range of team working and interpersonal skills and others associated with developing personal effectiveness and credibility at work. Students are expected to be able to demonstrate leadership skills through the project management of organisational change.

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