Department: MSc Business Administration
Module Description: Strategic management is concerned with the direction and scope of an organisation. The module conveys how this involves determining the purpose of the organisation, establishing objectives and formulating strategies to achieve the objectives through projects and programmes in a multi-project environment. Strategy formation, including emergent strategy, business case development, risk management, and quality management at a strategic level. The module explores how an organisation positions itself with regard to dynamic internal and external environments. Strategic management is holistic and hence builds on and develops the range of subjects of an MBA.
David, F. R. and David, F. R. (2019). Strategic management: a competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases. 17th edn. Upper Saddle River: Pearson. Purchase eBook
Hill, C. W. L. and Jones, G. R. (2012). Essentials of strategic management. 3rd edn. Australia: South-Western/Cengage Learning. Purchase eBook
Introduction to Strategic Management
Strategic decision-making
Competitive advantage
Strategic planning
Internal Analysis 1
Activity-based view (and value chain)
Dynamic capabilities
Internal Analysis 2
SWOT analysis
External Analysis
Scenario analysis
Generic and Growth Strategies
Business alliances
Growth as a strategy
Additional reading: Case Studies
International Strategies
Case study: Evaluating opportunities overseas in the higher education market
Location and mode of entry in Middle East FDI
Maverick Strategies
Blue Ocean Strategy
Social responsibility; Quality; Implementation and Evaluation
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Quality in strategy
Balanced scorecard
Case Study of successful business
Bower, J. (2001). Not all M&As are alike. Harvard Business Review, vol. 79(3), pp. 93-101.
Daft, R. (2015). Organization theory and design. 12th edn. Nashville, TN: South-Western.
Grant, R. (2015). Contemporary strategy analysis. 9th edn. Blackwell.
Hill, C.W.L. (2013). Case studies in strategic management. 10th edn. Cengage Learning.
Porter, M. (1998). The competitive advantage of nations. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Senior, B. and Fleming, J. (2016). Organizational change. 5th edn. London: FT Prentice Hall.
Sull, D.S. (1999). Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review, July/August, pp. 42-52.
Yip, G.S. and Hult, G.T.M. (2012). Total global strategy. 3rd edn. New York: Prentice Hall.