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MGT 524 Business Consultancy Project: Reading list

MGT 524 Business Consultancy Project

Department: MSc Business Administration

Module Description: The Business Consultancy Project is an important part of the MBA programme. The Project provides an opportunity for the student to apply their learning to a real business issue or topic, to engage in depth with a particular aspect of the subject, to carry out an investigation into it, and to report the outcome. The students will be provided with the knowledge and skills they need in order to develop a proposal, design a research plan, undertake literature review (if appropriate) and collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data. Project supervision will be undertaken by a member of the MBA teaching team and a mentor representing the student’s employer (if applicable). Assessment is based on the project proposal, a management report to the organisation, an academic report (not exceeding 15,000 words) and a presentation.  The project topic will be agreed with the student’s employer and will involve a piece of research on a topic that is of relevance to the employer’s business and which relates to the subject matter of the programme. If it is not possible for a student to undertake an in-company project at their place of work, a suitable alternative (e.g. a research or generic consultancy project) may be agreed with the student’s academic supervisor.

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