Department: PhD in Business Management & PhD in Project Management
Module Description: This module addresses the need to manage projects to deliver innovations as well as provide the knowledge that would help students understand the purpose of projects and their relationship to corporate strategic objectives, Project managers need to understand the drivers for change and innovation in the way projects are managed and how the different models of innovation and change and their applicability in a project environment. The module advocates the need to view project management as the management of innovation which in the past was limited to “new product development”. The module will examine the role of project managers in encouraging creativity, creating a climate of innovation and Innovation networks. The module will examine the relevant issues at team level and at supply chain level. In particular, using case studies, examine how an effective knowledge sharing and learning within the team and between the supply chain will create the support and incentive for innovation.
Corporate social responsibility
Organisational Behaviour
Organisations and Project Contracts
Developments in project management knowledge and its organisation
Knowledge management strategies
Organisations and project contracts
Project management in the contexts of organisational power, control and conflict
Organisational culture and climate