Elements for referencing a book
Author: Surname with capital letter, followed by comma.
Initials: In capitals with full-stop after each.
Year: Publication year (not printing or impression) in parentheses, followed by full stop.
Title: Full title in italics. Only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized. Follow with a full stop (unless there is a subtitle).
Sub-title: Follows a colon at the end of the full title. Only proper nouns should be capitalized. Followed by a full stop.
Edition: Only include if it is not a first edition. Use the number followed by “edn.”
Place of publication: Give town or city, and country if there is possible confusion with the UK. Follow with a colon
Publisher: Publisher name followed by full stop.
In-text citation:
Reference list:
Elder, B. (1995). The magic of Australia. Sydney: Beaut Books.
Note: When an author has two or more initials, the entry would look like this:
Scwartz, H.J. (1985). Interactive writing: composing with a word processor. Austin: Hold, Reinhardt & Winston.