Department: MSc Construction Law and Dispute Resolution
Module Description: The aim of the initial taught component of this module is to ensure that the students review and consider the issues in designing, managing and delivering a research project and can apply them to formulate and refine their own proposal for a dissertation topic of a scope and at a level appropriate for a Master degree. Each proposal will be required to define clearly research questions, discuss the rationale for such questions and the expected results, describing also the methodology and the information sources the student will use.
The aim of the dissertation itself is to give students an opportunity to focus in depth on one aspect of CLDR, which will normally be directly relevant to a real life workplace situation, and to allow them to demonstrate skills in discovering, ordering and presenting information and ideas on a topic involving both legal and practical or technical issues. A viva will be conducted after submitting the dissertation. The aim of the viva is to give the students the opportunity to defend their work and enhance their presentation skills.
L C Oates, A Enquist & J Francis, The Legal Writing Handbook: Analysis, Research, and Writing (Aspen Publishers, 2021).
M McConnville & W H Chui (eds), Research methods for Law (Edinburgh University Press, 2017).
S G Naoum, Dissertation Research and Writing for Construction Students (3rd edn, Routledge, 2012).