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SDBE 602 Sustainable Architecture: Past, Present and Future: Reading List

 SDBE 602 Sustainable Architecture: Past, Present and Future

Department: PhD : Architecture and Sustainable Built Environment
Module Description: Gaining in-depth knowledge with regard to the history of, and theories underlying, the notion of sustainable architecture will help us understand both how it has evolved over the years and what its future directions are likely to be. This module aims to develop critical understanding of past, present and future trends in sustainable built environment. Topics to cover include vernacular architecture; evolution of building materials and design; principles as well as myths associated with sustainable architecture. After successfully completing this module, students will be expected to acquire a strong theoretical background of various aspects that affect the development of sustainable architecture.

Module text(s)

  • Fraser, M. (2020). Global history of architecture. 21st edn. London: Bloomsbury Visual publishing.

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