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BUiD referencing guidelines

References must be provided whenever you use someone else’s opinions, theories, data or organisation of material. You need to reference information from books, articles, videos, computers, other print or electronic sources, and personal communications. A reference is required if you:

  • quote (use someone else’s exact words)
  • copy (use figures, tables or structure)
  • paraphrase (convert someone else’s ideas into your own words)
  • summarise (use a brief account of someone else’s ideas).


Examples of in-text and reference list entries

Commonly used sources

Book (Print)

Chapter in an edited book

Conference proceeding

Newspaper article
e-Book Journal article Webpage Dissertation/thesis

Other sources

Newspaper articles Images Official Reports Lecture notes (unpublished)
Video/Audio Market Research Report British Standards Advertisements
Maps Translated works Pamphlet Dictionary
Course Resources Online Television Interviews Blackboard lecture notes/slides
Formal email Personal communication Dictionary Handbook
Handbook Microfiche Foreign-language material The Koran